Friday 9 February 2018

Stella's hoilday

Hi room 5!

In the holiday I went to Cambridge to see my Nanny and Papa. 

At my Nanny and Papa's house they have a pool so we went in there for 3 hours! And my brother learnt how to swim!

The next day I made slime for the Howick Kids Market and of course went in the pool. 

The final day we went in the pool at 8 or 9 o'clock, it was cold. 

Image result for warm pool

From Stella


  1. 3 hours in the pool! You must have been like a little wrinkly prune! Did you help teach your brother to swim?

  2. Sounds like you had a splish splash fantastic holiday Stella!

    1. Thanks Mrs Driver for leaving a comment. I really appreciciate it. How was your holiday?

  3. Miss Robertson I did teach my brother how to swim. It was toght!

  4. Dear Stella that must have be fun making slime!
    did you sell it and how much did you sell it for
    from keeley
