Monday 5 February 2018

My Christmas Holidays

Kiaora Rm 5

In the holidays my family and I went to Russel, in Russel we went boating with our friends. Here's a photo of where we went (file below)

On the way home as we passed through Whangarei we picked up Indy, our puppy.

Indy is very cute and also loves to bite things.

So that was basically my holiday.
By Lucas U (or Luke)


  1. Indy is so cute. Has she damaged much of the house?

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday Lucas. The weather has been amazing. What beaches did you swim at?

  3. Hi lucas has Indy learned how to swim yet. Do you also know were the photo is is it on a island?

    1. No Indie hasn't learnt to swim but she has fell into the pool and the photo was on an island in Russel.
